Cannon Beach Conference Center


To make a secure online gift, using Webconnex software, click one of the following links: (An undesignated gift, to be used “where needed most”) (An undesignated gift, recognizing One of the Family membership) (A gift designated for the Kitchen & Dining Complex building project) (A gift designated for use in the guest scholarship program) (An undesignated gift, in memory of, or in honor of an individual) (A designated gift for the summer staff scholarship award program)

From the very early years, the ministry of Cannon Beach Conference Center has been supported and grown by the generous giving of friends whose lives have been touched at Cannon Beach and who believe in the ministry.

Today, about 5% of the Conference Center’s operating budget, and nearly all capital or building projects are funded by regular gifts, pledges, and offerings. Each year several thousand people give to this ministry as they believe the Lord is directing them.

But cash gifts, while essential, are not the only way to give. Some folks make a bequest to Cannon Beach in their estate plan or add the Conference Center as a life insurance policy beneficiary. Some name Cannon Beach Conference Center in their trust or may establish a gift annuity contract. Others give a gift of stocks, bonds, or mutual funds. Still others have helped tremendously by the donation of a vehicle, boat, jewelry, collectibles, furniture, or other item, that can be either used or sold.

A very special group of friends are those who are members of our One of the Family program. This group numbers about 700 and consists of those who support the Conference Center through giving of at least $240 per year, pray regularly for the Conference ministry, and help from time to time with counsel, direction and volunteering.

Another opportunity to financially support our ministry is by giving to the CBCC Summer Staff Scholarship program. CBCC created this program to help our hardworking summer staff with the rising cost of college tuition. Since 2004, almost $100,000 in scholarships have been awarded.  100 percent of all gifts to this program are passed along to our summer staff as scholarships. To participate, call (800) 745-1546 or designate your check or online gift as “Summer Staff Scholarships”. Click here for the secure online giving page specific to Summer Staff Scholarships.

Cannon Beach Conference Center has a yearly independent audit and is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability. To view our ECFA profile, click here. Call or e-mail for a copy of our annual audited financial statement. To view our IRS form 990, click here.

If you would like to participate in planned giving, would like to make a donation of some type, or simply have questions contact Jeff Carlsen, Executive Director or Carl Sandeen, Development Manager at 503.436.1501 or email

Helpful documents and brochures:

Estate Planning Principles

Gift Giving & Planning

Electronic Funds Transfer